Factories handed over to the Government of Bangladesh
Factories handed over to the Government of Bangladesh
Here you will find a list of factories that the RSC marked as closed or archived in its database of the inspected factories. These factories are no longer covered under the RSC and have been handed over to the Government of Bangladesh.
Closed factories
Factory accounts are closed when the RSC has verified that there is no production in the building. For factories that relocate a new factory ID is created and the RSC will conduct an initial inspection at the new building.
Covered factories are required to notify the RSC of a closure or a relocation as soon as possible. Upon receipt of information of a factory closure or relocation, the closure verification procedure will be applied. This includes obtaining confirmation in writing from the factory management and the responsible brands, obtaining information on workers’ severance payments and a closure verification visit.
When sufficient information has been received to consider a covered factory closed, the full structural, electrical and fire initial inspection reports & latest CAP (if available) will be transferred to the Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments (DIFE). If no date of transfer is indicated in the list below, it means that
i) the building is being utilised by another covered factory and the remediation progress continues to be monitored,
or ii) the factory has been closed through a Review Panel decision.
Archived factories
The RSC agreement covers RMG, fabric & knit accessories, and home textile factories2 producing for Brand signatory companies, or where production took place at the time of scheduling the initial inspections. Factories not meeting these criteria are considered “out-of-scope” of the RSC agreement, and the Accord signatories have no mandate to monitor remediation at these factories.
The inspection reports of those factories that are out-of-scope but have nonetheless received one or more initial inspections, are being transferred to the Government of Bangladesh and ILO led inspection program of the National Action Plan (NAP) to ensure that the safety hazards identified through the RSC’s inspection programme can be addressed through the appropriate authority.
1The Review Panel was established through the Ministry of Labour and Employment (MoLE) led National Plan of Action. It was established for inspections performed by the National Effort, the Accord, and the Alliance which lead to engineers’ determinations that a building evacuation or suspension to operations is required.
2Company signatories are required to list their RMG factories with the RSC, but may voluntarily choose to list their home textiles and/or fabric & knit accessories suppliers. If a company signatory chooses to list suppliers in one of the latter two industries, they are obliged to list all their suppliers in that industry.
416 Factories