Key Information
Key information to help you navigate the factories page on the RSC website
Corrective Action Plan (CAP): this plan is developed jointly by factories and company signatories, and details the remedial actions that factories are required to take within a clear timeline. The correct implementation of the CAP is monitored at the RSC-covered factories through approximately 400 follow-up inspections each month. Each factory is inspected approximately once every four months.
Progress rate: this metric is the percentage of original issues reported and verified as fixed out of the total number of original issues.
Filter Remediation Status:
Initial CAP completed: All issues identified in the initial inspections have been verified as corrected.
On track: The CAP is in implementation and all timelines have so far been met.
Behind schedule: The CAP is in implementation but one or more timelines have not been met.
CAP pending/ N/A: The CAP is either incomplete, absent or not yet approved.
Ineligible: These factories were made ineligible for business with Accord company signatories as they have failed to participate adequately in the Accord and the RSC prescribed inspections, remediation or workplace programs.
When a supplier factory is made ineligible, the RSC issues an ineligibility statement and a letter of notification to workers, informing all workers in the ineligible factory that the factory is unsafe and that the RSC stopped monitoring the remediation process. The RSC works with its labour and company signatories in an effort to ensure that any affected workers are offered employment with safe suppliers.Prior to 8 May 2019, the ineligibility status automatically applied to all factories part of the same company group with the factory that failed to comply with the Accord’s requirements. In accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the Accord Steering Committee and the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) on 8 May 2019, ineligibility of a supplier factory to do business with Accord signatory companies has been complemented by the withdrawal of its Utilization Declaration (UD) – which is mandatory to export apparel from Bangladesh, by the BGMEA.
In the event that the non-compliant supplier factory is part of an RMG company group, should the UD of the non-compliant supplier factory not be withdrawn by BGMEA within four weeks of the date of ineligibility, Accord signatory companies will be required to terminate their business relationship / withhold from doing business with all factories under the same ownership with the non-compliant factory.
Filter Safety Training Programme:
Training completed: these factories have completed all 8 Safety Committee training sessions and 3 All Employee Meetings to inform all workers at the factory about safety and health and their rights under the RSC agreement.
Ongoing: these factories have completed one or more Safety Committee training sessions and All Employee Meetings.
Yet to start: the Safety Committee and Safety Training Programme has not commenced at these factories.