

Update of RSC Safety Committee and Safety Training (SCST) Programme
Update of RSC Safety Committee and Safety Training (SCST) Programme
30 Jun 2023

Key functions of the Safety Committee and Safety Training (SCST) Programme

Facilitation of Safety Training
The RSC Safety Committee and Safety Training (SCST) Programme currently consists of 8 training modules conducted through 8 sessions for the members of factory Safety Committee. The training sessions address the Safety Committee’s role in identification and remediation of safety and health hazards, handling safety and health-related complaints, and improving communication and joint problem-solving skills. One of the important areas of the training programme is to educate workers and management on the rights and entitlements related to Freedom of Association in relation to protecting their own safety.

As part of the training programme, the factory Safety Committee and the RSC OSH Training Programme Specialist conduct WALK-THROUGH (WT) (a type of inspection) at the factory to identify actual or any potential safety and health hazards. The factory Safety Committee monitor and negotiate with management on the remediation of the safety issues identified during the WTs.

3 All Employee Meetings

Following a preliminary consultation (Initial Meeting) with the factory management, the RSC OSH Training department schedules "All Employee Meetings (AEM)" on the factory grounds, where all employees of the factory are invited to participate. Three such “All Employee Meetings” are held with all the workers of the factory. Generally, the AEM-1 meeting is held before the commencement of the training programme for the members of the Safety Committee, the AEM-2 meeting at the end of the training-3 program, and the AEM-3 meeting is held after the completion of the full training cycle.

During All Employee Meetings at the factory premises, information related to the role of the safety committee, safe evacuation in case of emergency, and common health and safety hazards identification including sexual harassment and workplace violence are shared with all the workers and members of the management. The RSC developed pictorial IEC materials on a range of occupational safety and health hazards including a guideline on complaints reporting mechanisms. These materials are distributed during the All-Employee Meetings among the participants. Our readers can read the RSC information materials by clicking the links below -

Booklet for workers I

Booklet for workers II

Booklet for workers III

A factory receives a Letter of Acknowledgement (LoA) from RSC after participating all the activities designed under the Safety Committee and Safety Training (SCST) Programme

Ongoing Support
To ensure that the Safety Committees are meeting their obligations on factory level safety, the Committees are provided with additional support such as the facilitation of the regular meetings and other ad-hoc basis activities like walk-throughs, coordination with RSC inspection team and Safety Committee of the factory ahead of any inspection, collect first information report from the Safety Committee members and conduct investigation immediately after any accidents/incidents take place at any factory.

RSC SCST Programme at a glance

SCST Programme Features (As of June 2023)
Ongoing Safety Committee Training Sessions 144
Yet to commence the Safety Committee Training Sessions 188
SCST Sessions were conducted 11,459
Remote SCST sessions 7,354
On-field SCST sessions 4,015
Walk Through were conducted 5,474
Remote WALK-THROUGH sessions 2,277
On-field walk-through sessions 3,197
Factories received a Letter of Acknowledgement 1,226
No. of workers are informed about workplace safety through All Employee Meetings and Informational Sessions 20,64,089
No. of factories Completed Safety Training for the Safety Committee 1,261